On the 2023 broadcast calendar, January 1, 2023 falls on a Sunday, the last day of the broadcast week, making the 2023 Broadcast Year longer.
To cover the entire year, an extra broadcast week is needed, making 2023 a “Leap Year” on the Broadcast Calendar with 53 broadcast weeks instead of the standard 52 weeks.
The fourth quarter of 2023 also has 14 broadcast weeks instead of the standard 13 weeks.
To download the 2023 Broadcast Calendar PDF, skip to the bottom.
Now, a little background.
What is a Broadcast Calendar?
A broadcast calendar is a schedule used in the advertising industry to plan and purchase media on television or radio. It’s an important tool for media planning and buying, as it helps advertisers determine the dates and times their ads will be aired on broadcast media.
The Broadcast Calendar is structured so that every week starts on a Monday and ends on a Sunday, and every month also starts on a Monday, ends on a Sunday, and is either exactly four weeks long (28 days) or five weeks long (35 days). The structure of the Broadcast Calendar helps to facilitate media planning and media buying efforts, as it provides a consistent framework for determining the dates and times that ads will be aired.
2023 Broadcast Calendar PDF
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